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时间:2021年03月01日    作者:和通社    浏览量:








有来自非洲、北美、亚州、发展中国家的30多位明星被邀请参加此慈善募捐音乐会,纷纷献出精彩表演。 由WHF作词作曲的“和谐之歌”是由来自五大洲五种肤色的歌星独唱配合唱,以联合国三位领导人在UN60周年庆典上敲响和谐钟为开始,实现人类保护地球,倡导“和谐促成”和平,人与自然和谐”的精神。


世界和谐基金会小大使、15岁的高中生Harmony Liu为该演出精心介绍。 歌仔戏由台湾明华园戏剧总团创新制作与演出,作为本次唯一代表东方的戏曲被特邀进入本次公益音乐会,这是世界华人的荣耀。







莱斯特·沃尔夫与吕秀莲表示:联合国大会早在15年前就在决议中倡导“文化促和平Culture Of Peace Resolution”.  台湾明华园戏剧总团首席台柱孙翠凤携队员们向全球表示:“文化促成和平,协助非洲,是我们的责任”! 据称来自联合国卫生组织WHO对非洲的统计资料: 在非洲,每1万人只有一名医生 、四十名护士和助产士,非洲平均每千人约10张病床。非洲急需大量的医院配套医护人员与设备!


 WHF与《非洲崛起》音乐会组织者表示,在本次演出后,将继续携带“和谐之歌”与“歌仔戏”走出国门到联合国193个国家做巡回慈善公演,以和谐与文化促成和平,为贫困的国家建设更多医院而贡献。 这也是为中华文化走出国门,挖掘台湾传统文化,促进二岸和谐,各国华人华侨携手大陆与台湾艺术家共同进行的公益行动。



The World Harmony Foundation was honored to perform The Song of Harmony as part of the Africa Rise, Global Concert


The World Harmony Foundation (WHF), The Song of Harmony and the World Famous Taiwan Songplay Opera, were invited to perform by the Global Charities, Give them a Hand Foundation,and Earth Institute, and Africa Congress set up a special Organizing Committee of “Africa Rise” Charity Concert team.


The Global Fundraising Concert, Africa Rises was a tremendous success. Over 30 International Stars performed during the Africa Rise Concert.The music of Africa, South America, The Caribbean, and the Deep South was celebrated .Africa Live, was Broadcast live by VIACOM in the USA, and was streamed by

Youtube and Facebook, Worldwide.


The Concert opened with video of Secretary Generals Kofi Annan, UN President of GA and UN President of Security Council of the United Nations, ringing the Harmony Bell, at the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the United Nations.


A deeply symbolic celebration, signifying the great wish of many for World Harmony. This was followed by a splendid introduction to The Song of Harmony, brilliantly presented by Harmony Liu,

who is only 15 and a high school student in New York.


Harmony Liu, is a marvelous young Ambassador for the World Harmony Foundation, and captured the hearts of the Viewers.


The Song of Harmony, Poem by Frank Liu, Music by Musician Zhou Ping Was performed by a troupe of youthful singers from all five continents. Who represented a diverse and very enthusiast cross section of the World’s youth. All joining together by singing and praising the Worlds wish for Harmony for all.


The famous Taiwanese Songplay Opera was another great hit, produced and performed by the Taiwan, Min Kwa Yuan Theater Group Troupe, who were specially selected to represent China, a huge Honor and well deserved China Taiwanese opera, is a classic form of southern cultural music. It originated from Taiwan and expending to in Zhangzhou, Fujian in ancient times, and then developed in Taiwan and became the most popular form of southern Chinese opera.


This innovative opera is the product of the craft and dedication by over four generations of performance of the Taiwan’s Ming Kwa Yuan Theater Group Troupe.


This Traditional art form has for the last ninety-two years been hailed internationally as "The Legend of Eastern Drama across the Centuries." Under the leadership of their main actor Sun Cuifeng,

the performance was a huge success.


The Africa Rise Concert, not only showcased the diverse talents   of the Performers, it also elevated to the World stage the image of the new and rapidly modernizing Africa.


The World Harmony Foundation was proud of

the presentations by  The World Harmony Foundation, Honorary Chairman,the hero of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the 102-year-young, famous former U.S. Congressman Dr. Lester Wolff. A world Famous philanthropist, who has always actively promoted cross-strait harmony, between the China mainland and Taiwan and who has who has been a hero for decades, of humanitarian initiatives, worldwide.


The Former Deputy Head of Taiwan, and WHF Honorary Chairwoman Dr. Annette Lu, Spoke to the commitment of WHF to the SDG’s “The charitable action of WHF as a UNEP-NGO is our responsibility and Honor” A message supported by Sun Cuifeng,

the Director of Taiwan's Ming Huayuan Theatre General Troupe,

on behalf of all the actors said to the world: "It is our responsibility to promote peace and to aid Africa !”


Africa Rise highlighted the need for more mobile hospitals in Africa

According to statistics from the United Nations Health Organization WHO for Africa:

10,000 people have only one doctor, with only forty (40) nurses and midwives per 10,000 people, and an average of about 10 beds per 1,000 people in Africa.

Africa urgently needs a large number of hospital supporting medical care, medical experts with medical equipment!


On a Final Note:

WHF and "Africa Rise" stated that after this performance, they will continue to promote the "Song of Harmony" and "Chinese Southern Opera" abroad to 193 countries of the United Nations for charity performances, promoting peace through harmony and culture.


The World Harmony Foundation, continues to unite

to help Poor developing countries and contribute to the construction of more hospitals.



Healing the world, by promoting traditional Chinese culture,

and promoting the harmonious reunification of the two sides of the strait.


Chinese and overseas Chinese from various countries joining hands with mainland and Taiwan artists, in jointly resolving to

 "Building a Common Community of Mankind guided by the United Nations General Assembly, SDG’s. ”


This is the plan for World Harmony Foundation’s Philanthropic Future



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