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Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions: building world peace need peace science

时间:2021年12月27日    作者:和通社    浏览量:

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

By/ Haofeng Liu

Abstract: "Russell paradox" mathematically proves the universal holographic principle that man, as a small universe, contains as much information as the big universe. Cantor set theory principle, two infinite sets, one-to-one correspondence. And two concentric circles are isomorphic, and the rays emitted from them correspond one by one. It proves that the unity of cosmos and man pursued by Chinese culture, Confucianism and Taoism, and the unity of man and God or Allah pursued by Christian culture and Islamic culture are a scientific relationship between man and cosmic life or God to establish life energy. All kinds of religious theologies in the world that conform to the principle of the unity of cosmos and man are essentially the same cosmic science. This scientific demonstration has declassified the core password of the highest wisdom of Chinese culture, the unity of cosmos and man, and provided a solution path and method for resolving the religious conflict in today's world, the separation between religion and science for centuries, and realizing the unity of all religions and the reconciliation between religion and science.


Key words: cosmos and man are same principle, cosmos and man are isomorphic, heart energy is conserved,  heart pole will be reversed

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

For a long time, the conflicts between world religions and cultures have triggered war tragedies and brought endless disasters to the world. In the new era of the global village in the 21st century, how to resolve the doctrinal conflicts between religions, resolve the cultural conflicts between China and the west, and find a common belief and value foundation is the hope and way to realize human sustainable development, create world peace and enhance world civilization.

 1  The same principle between cosmos and man: the principle of cosmic holography

"Russell paradox" points out that in the infinite set of natural numbers, the subset contains as much information as the parent set, which proves that human spiritual life, as an infinite subset, contains as much information as the infinite parent set of the universe. It proves that in the infinite motion system, the part contains as much information as the whole universe, which is the principle of cosmic holography.

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science


so, the universe holographic principle, which has been fully demonstrated mathematically, proves that the cognitive "my heart is the universe", which has been held as the standard in the Neo Confucianism of the song and Ming Dynasties of Chinese culture, is a cosmic science that connects psychology and physics and rejuvenates light. It has directly set up a great scientific banner for Chinese culture and witnessed the revival of contemporary Chinese culture. Mind sciece is not metaphysics, but great science. The relationship between mind and matter is a dialectical and unified relationship that can be transformed into each other. The revival of contemporary Chinese culture should be re understood and respected by the whole world.

It promotes the cognition and development of psychology and astrophysics. On the contrary, reasoning shows that "the universe is my heart", and everything in the universe is in my heart. Their common scientific basis is cosmic holography. This principle establishes that there is a logical relationship between heaven or the universe or the creator God and all living beings.

Without this scientific principle as the cultural foundation, human beings have no foundation in the universe, no cultural inheritance, no religion, no science and civilization, and no future.

In fact, this principle provides a scientific basis for the divination principle of the “book of changes”. It is precisely because human mind, as a way of spiritual movement, can explore the good and bad news of a certain state of affairs from the divination corresponding to the principle of cosmic evolution. The book of changes is a great science left by the ancients to future generations to understand the truth of the universe and seek good fortune and avoid evil in the world.

This principle confirms that man is a small universe and the universe is the mother universe that created everything.

In addition to this mathematical logic relationship, which can deduce and prove the internal relationship between man and the universe, what kind of scientific cognition can prove and restore the internal relationship between man and the universe?


2      Isomorphism between cosmos and man: the principle of symmetry of energy structure between cosmos and man


Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science


This can also be prove by the “fractal structure” from American mathematician Mandelbrot.

The properties shown in Russell sets not only prove the universal holography, but also prove that their own subsets can establish "partial and global isomorphism" with one-to-one correspondence with themselves. This proves the isomorphism principle of heaven and man mathematically.

In addition, modern science and technology found that 96% of human body weight is organic matter and water, 4% is composed of inorganic elements, 23% is organic matter, and the water content of human cells is 73%;


Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

Modern cosmology studies through gravitational lens, the formation of large-scale structure in the universe and microwave background radiation show that the part of the universe recognized by human beings accounts for only about 4% of the universe, dark matter accounts for 23% of the universe, and 73% is a kind of dark energy that leads to the accelerated expansion of the universe.


The comparison of the energy structure between man and the universe is very intuitive, which once again solves the close relationship between man and the universe from the physical level: man is a small universe, and the universe is the largest giant in the void; This proves that the cognition of "isomorphism between cosmos and man" in “The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine” is a great scientific classic passed on by the ancient Chinese.


Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

3The unity of cosmos and man: the conservation of mental energy and the principle that the heart pole must be reversed


The principle of "one-to-one correspondence in concentric circle reconstruction" in mathematical geometry points out that two concentric circles overlap and isomorphism, and the rays emitted from the center of the circle show a one-to-one correspondence. This geometric relationship can be proved by Cantor's set theory that there is a one-to-one mathematical relationship between two infinite sets.


This mathematical principle proves that if the leaves on a tree want to grow continuously, they must absorb energy and water from the root, and must be in a concentric relationship with the tree in order to blossom and bear fruit. This principle explains that Buddhism "one leaf, one grape, one sand and one world" is cosmic science. If people want to blossom and bear fruit on the big tree of the universe, they need to absorb a steady stream of energy from the root of the universe, and they must be in harmony with the heaven. This cultural code is called "grape Heart" by Buddhists, which is full of the great circle of all sentient beings in the universe, so as to achieve the corresponding relationship of concentric circle isomorphism with the universe - harmony between heaven and man.

Therefore, the so-called grape Heart of Buddhism, the universal love of Christ, the compassion of Islam, the inaction of Taoism and the great love of Confucianism are the cosmic science to realize the unity between man and heaven or the universe or God and form a one-to-one correspondence between concentric circles. All mainstream orthodox religions must follow this principle, because it is the scientific basis for man to establish an energy relationship with the universe as a small universe.

Unfortunately, these cultural codes have been misinterpreted over time. Even in cultural comparison, some people do not seek to connect with each other, but increase their differences, which distorts the cognition of cultural values and creates cultural conflicts, which has become the biggest obstacle for mankind to achieve sustainable and peaceful development.

This principle also proves that the ancestor worship tradition of Chinese culture for thousands of years is not superstition, nor is it emotional remembrance, but a cross space-time docking relationship in energy.

From the whole universe, God is the ultimate source and ancestor of all living beings. Praising God, saluting God and converting to God is a basic way of life for ancient saints to teach people to approach God and return to God's spiritual embrace. To maintain the internal energy relationship with God completely and accurately, we must follow the "concentric circle isomorphism principle" and master the mental method of realizing the "unity of heaven and man" - the unity of cosmos and man - to operate the minds of all sentient beings. This is the highest wisdom of Chinese culture and the cultural core code of various mainstream orthodox beliefs. This is exactly the special significance of "man, know yourself" engraved on the Apollo temple in Delphi, an ancient Greek city.The reason why traditional religions pay attention to various titles such as conversion to God, Allah, Buddha, pure land and bright world is actually how to place the seeds of individual spiritual life in the bright world of the great life to which they are converted. This is a necessary law for all mainstream religious practice. Therefore, conversion to this introductory rule is very solemn and critical.

Secondly, it is the guru who guides you how to move your mind and align with the cosmic life. Only when the small universe of man is full of circles and forms a concentric quantum energy relationship with the big universe can the human heart rely on the big magnetic field of the universe to obtain the continuous blessing and watering of cosmic energy, the seeds of life continue to absorb and gather cosmic energy, and finally quantitative change leads to qualitative change, The creation of heaven and earth in the void (white hole, cosmic explosion, positive celestial body) gave birth to the land of stars and grew into a complete result on the cosmic tree. Arhats, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, etc. Buddhists call it the "right result" of various energy levels. It is also the great life in the void that Jesus calls angels and archangels.

This process of spiritual life growth includes "the principle of conservation of mental energy and the principle that the heart pole must be reversed". The unity of heaven and man is the great fullness of unity with the universe, which can calm down, absorb stars and gather energy in the void (black holes, maternal celestial bodies, negative celestial bodies). This decrypts the Buddhist "descending into Buddha".

The principle of quantum entanglement proves that when the heart speed exceeds the speed of light, no matter how far away it is in the universe, it can make corresponding changes at the same time. Only when you move faster than the speed of matter can you grasp matter. This proves that the realization of harmony with heaven can obtain the shelter and energy irrigation of the cosmic large energy field, and can reduce matter and gather energy.

People's thoughts and thoughts are the expression of energy. peace science advocates the thought that conforms to the laws of the universe, which is to guide the practice in life, work and career. The essence of practice is to cultivate the mind, and the way of practice is to protect the mind. Following the cosmic law of the unity of heaven and man and the unity with God, we can gather enough energy through the cosmic energy field, and then form a white hole birth explosion, achieve the great life of the void stars and obtain great freedom and happiness.


The process of star pregnancy is consistent with the principle of human pregnancy, cultivation and production. This is the correspondence of the unity of heaven and man from psychology to physiology. Stars, in the universe, are also cells, atoms and electrons. Nebulae and rivers are the organs of cosmic life. The pictures of cosmic stars taken by radio telescope are bound to be surprisingly similar to those taken by human electron microscope.

Lao Tzu said: the old way is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the people are also big. Man is God's sperm. This is also the reason why Buddhists say that all beings have Dharma and can become Buddhas. After people convert, through the practice of "harmony between heaven and man", they can become pregnant, become the Big Dipper in the starry sky and become great life in the void.

This reflects the dialectical transformation between mind and matter, yin and Yang under certain conditions. It shows the principle of Taiji diagram, which is the law of heaven in the universe.

 Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

4 Conclusions and suggestions: building a community with a shared future for mankind and building world peace needs peace science


The demonstration of peace science integrates psychology, astrophysics, microphysics, religious theology, philosophy, mathematical science and physiology, which is not only a great breakthrough in astrophysics, but also an epoch-making breakthrough in human culture and civilization. It ended the centuries old separation of religion and science; It resolves various religious conflicts from the source and provides a cultural path and theoretical basis for resolving the ideological and cultural conflicts between the East and the West.

To sum up, its mathematical conclusions can be as follows:

1. The cosmic God is the biggest giant, the creator and the ancestor of all living beings; It is the "eternal giant in the void" described by Plato.

2. Man is a small universe.

3. People can follow peace science revealed cultural code, and can grow into stars, life and universe.

4. All kinds of religious theologies in the world that conform to the principle of the unity of heaven and man are essentially the same cosmic science. peace science has solved today's religious conflicts, the separation of religion and science, the unification of all religions and the reconciliation between religion and science.

5. peace science has paved a new culture for resolving the cultural and religious conflicts between China and the west, building a global village and a peaceful world, and provided a common cognitive basis of scientific value for all mankind.

It is suggested that religions and universities all over the world seriously study peace science ideological theories, disseminate peace science theories. peace science change the world. The world needs peace science. peace science knows by the world is to promote the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture. It will provide a broad cultural and theoretical foundation and strong scientific support for building a community of shared future in Asia and mankind and realizing world peace.

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science


Introduction to Liu Haofeng:   email:2606657206@qq.com

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

Born in Hunan Province, China; founder of harmonious theory.

l  Ideologist, philosopher, critic, artist,writer,chief contributor of journalist, director of newspaper office and managing editor.

l  Members of the Chinese Society of Logic and the Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature.

l  Academic direction: modernization and globalization of Chinese culture.l  Academic

l  achievements: mathematically crack the secret of “the theory that man is an integral part of nature”, the highest wisdom of Chinese culture, demonstrate the "unity of all religions" with mathematical logic, and transform the logical opposition between Chinese and Western cultures into a complementary relation. Discover the "principle of ultimate efficiency equilibrium" in economics.

l  Received the only "China Economic and Cultural Innovation Person Award" in the 2018 annual conference of China Economic Personage.

l  Works: China's Economy and People's Life in the WTO, Taking Internet as Home, Anthology of Chinese Cultural Renaissance (three volumes), Introduction to Harmonious Theory, Principles of Aesthetic Science, Promotion of the World Renaissance, Darkness and Day (Trilogy), Harmonious Theory - Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Culture.

l  Published millions of words on news, current politics, literary and philosophy.

l  Outstanding Contribution Person for World Culture and United Nations Outstanding Contribution Award for Oriental Culture in 2017.



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Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions:  building world peace need peace science

Mathematical proof of the unification of all religions: building world peace need peace science






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