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时间:2020年07月30日    作者:和通社    浏览量:


【ACTV 记者Jane 罗 本社记者 刘闻益 联合报道】

最近记者接到不少民众举报,他们每天都收到所谓“保持美国再伟大募捐委员会Keep America Great Again Committee(KAGA)的募捐邮件,要求他们捐款支持川普总统,说如果参加捐款42块以上,就有可能中彩获得与总统在德州晚宴的机会,当投票者点击 $42元捐款后, 它一下跳到420元,吸引你投入更多的钱获得更大的奖励,与赌博原理一样! 据记者深入了解,( KAGC)已经投放了数百个Facebook付费广告,这些广告是逐字复制特朗普连任竞选团队所做的工作。


对于通过Keep America Great Committee(KAGC)的广告定位的数十万Facebook用户而言,该组织从表面上看,好像是另一个亲特朗普的超级政治竞选团队(PAC),确实,其广告以及与之链接的捐赠页面看起来与特朗普竞选委员会本身一模一样!那是因为其中绝大多数内容来自特朗普竞选委员会所作。(KAGC)通过平台上的两个页面运行了数百个付费的Facebook帖子,其中大部分是特朗普连任团队所投放广告的逐字副本。许多广告甚至使用相同的第一人称代词,指的是“我的”总统竞选活动和“我们”为击败乔·拜登所做的努力的广告词。




另外一个地方可以辨别是:KAGA口号是:“Keeping America Great Again !”, 而真正的川普委员会是: “ Make America Great Again!”。



据其他媒体揭露,黑客也用同样手段冒充民主党拜登副总统的网站进行同样的诈骗。近几年开始, 华人移民开始关心参与政治,不少华人分别投票川普或拜登,如果广大投票民众收到到这样的募捐邮件时,要特别小心,识别是诈骗的话,请向政府报警、或发邮件给国会网络电视台(ACTV)CWTV888@gmail.com与和通社(PAN)yanxin8888899999@gmail.com

"Hackers Vorging Trump Campaign Fundraising Committee To Defraud Voters"

ACTV, The US Congress Web Television (AKSCONGRESS.ORG) recently received complain from many people’s reported that they received fund raising Advertizing email from the so-called "Keep America Great Again Committee (KAGA)" through email, asking them to support President Trump by lottery way donation. They say that if you donate more than $42 , you may get the chance to have dinner with the president in Texas. When you click $42 to donate, it jumps to $420, making your donation more. More money for greater rewards- the same principle as gambling! According to our in-depth searching, KAGC has placed hundreds of paid Facebook ads. These ads are verbatim copy of the work done by the Trump re-election campaign team.

From Daily beast Reporter Lachlan Markay, “However, the KAGC team is simply not a pro-Trump political entity! For the hundreds of thousands of Facebook users who have been targeted by ads from the Keep America Great Committee, the group probably appears to be just another pro-Trump super PAC. Indeed, its ads, and the donation pages to which they link, look like they are from the Trump campaign itself. “That’s because the vast majority of them are from the Trump campaign. The Keep America Great Committee has run hundreds of paid Facebook posts via two pages on the platform, and most are verbatim copies of ads run by Trump’s re-election team. Many ads even use the same first-person pronouns, referring to “my” presidential campaign and “our” efforts to defeat Joe Biden. KAGC did change one key part of the ads, though: Instead of directing people to the Trump campaign’s online donation page, it directed them to its own. And that page also looks identical to the Trump campaign’s, because it largely is. The website’s source code shows that KAGC used a free, open-source program to copy the Trump campaign’s donation page on the GOP fundraising platform WinRed, swapping out its own bank account info for the Trump campaign’s and adding a line at the bottom saying all donations would benefit KAGC.”

Another place we can see it is different with real Trump committee is slogan “ Keeping America Great Again !”, but Trump Committee is “ Make America Great Again! ”. ACTV alert the voting public how to differentiate the real and the fake. When you follow a requirements and answer the questions, the result is almost always trying to scam you out of your money, it is fake. According to other media, hackers have also used the same methods to impersonate the website of the Democratic Former Vice President Joe Biden. The majority of voters should be especially careful to identify if the emails they sent are fake or not, If that happen, please report to the government, or send an email to Ask Congress TV (ACTV)’s email: CWTV888@gmail.com .

Ask Congress TV reporter Jane Luo





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